Change request

Regarding Change Requests

 If you wish to make changes to your registered information or annual membership fee payment method, please submit your request using the link below.

  Application Form:   [Change Request]

Application for Special Membership[特別会員・名誉会員・特別名誉会員]

①10+ years of membership
②65 years or older
③Not a full-time university/research institution member

 Based on the application from an eligible member, the membership history and board member history will be verified, and upon approval by the board of directors, the membership type change will be applied.

特別会員     Membership history of 10 years or more
名誉会員     Membership history of 20 years or more
特別名誉会員   30+ years of membership and 2+ board terms 常任理事2期以上経験者

[Annual Membership Fee]
  ¥4,000/year (No print journal, J-STAGE access with publication alerts)
  ¥6,000/year (With printed journal distribution)
  ¥4,000/year (With printed journal distribution)

[Lifetime Membership Fee]
If a member selects or later switches to the ¥4,000 annual membership fee option and pays 10 years’ worth in advance, it will be treated as a lifetime membership fee, and future membership fee payments will be waived.

  Application Form:  特別会員・名誉会員・特別名誉会員申請